
I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects at Coolblue, at several agencies and as a freelance designer. Here are just a few highlights, but I hope they give a good representation of the type of work I've done and the skills I bring to the table.


Coolblue projects

This selection showcases a range of projects that I have completed while working at Coolblue.

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My full career path at Coolblue

This overview outlines my career journey at Coolblue, including my progression from senior UX/UI designer to principal UX/UI designer and all the experiences and roles in between.

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Loqal Delivery

A local grocery delivery service

I designed a responsive website where customers could order local products from local shops delivered at their doorsteps.

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Easy to use software for a gym, fitness studio, yoga studio and bootcamp

I am designing a tool for gym owners and members to manage gym activities and access class schedules. It streamlines the process of managing a gym and makes it easier for members to participate.

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